Contact Us: 1-800-218-3683

Receive Payments Directly through PCMI

PCMI has partnered with i3 Commerce Technology to provide its customers a fully-integrated payment processing solution that ties directly into your existing software system. It’s true — our smart technology will save you time and headaches. With i3 Commerce Technology, you can continue to process credit card and/or ACH payments directly though PCMI, but our one-stop shop gains you access to a seamless payment interaction. From payment gateway and processing needs to reconciliation and reporting, this fully-integrated solution makes it easier for you to accept payments so you can concentrate on what matters most – running your business.

Other program Benefits Include

  • Live, human customer support: A live, dedicated person answers every phone call.
  • Education: A leader in this industry since 2005, i3 Commerce Technology believes in educating and counseling merchants on all processing matters.
  • Smart technology: From software integration to security compliance, our experts will ensure you have the optimal set-up for your needs.
  • Pre-negotiated rates: Save up to 40% on your processing fees.



To learn more, fill out the form and we will reach out to you in a timely manner.

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